Address from the Executive Board
On the 10th of March 2019, 157 people lost their lives in an air crash in a Boeing 737 Max aircraft
owned by Ethiopian Airlines. This tragedy followed a disastrous LionAir plane’s flight management
system that had also disobeyed its pilots’ instructions. Negligence in an industry as central to
modern life as the aircraft industry amounts to wilful murder.
The International Civil Aviation Organisation was constituted on the 4th of April, 1947, with
the intention of protecting civilians and standardising safety procedure in the world of civil
aviation. Its mandate is central to fulfilling the United Nations’ aim of safeguarding the
fundamental human right to life and safety.
In the 2019 edition of R-NPSMUN, we believe in employing scientific method and calm logical
reasoning in order to solve real life crises. As delegates to the ICAO, you will be expected to
display a high degree of scientific fluency and mathematical understanding, in addition to being
articulate and coherent speakers. We intend for this committee to be an ingenious experimental
‘take’ on the standard Model United Nations committee.
Participating in the RNPSMUN ICAO will give you the ability to handle high pressure situations
with a cool head, and the power to make quick and accurate scientific deductions while working
with other people. As the Executive Board of this committee, we hope that you will finish as
confident, rational, critical, and most importantly, highly articulate delegates and be able to
take on the real world.
We look forward to seeing you on the 3rd of July. Welcome to the ICAO.
Aditi Chandra
Avyay Casheekar
Meghana Narayanan