Address from the Executive Board
Welcome to the Futuristic Security Council, a continuous crisis committee!
Throughout the course of the 2 days, we guarantee heavy and engaging
debate. Breaches of loyalty, conspiracies, and scrutinized surveillance may or
may not be possible. Don’t let your illusions and presumptions overtake
your stealth. You shall witness the military prowess of your country and your
negotiating skills tested to the maximum. Knowledge about your military
resources, stances and foreign policy as well as directives, is a
compulsion. To withhold the enigma of the committee, we refrain from
exposing too much. We have an incredible set of crisis updates lined up for
you that is sure to exercise your brain and compel you to find solutions to
probable future problems. We guarantee a stimulating experience as we
know what it takes to be a delegate in a Security Council. This is an
opportunity for you, delegates, to prevent a New World Order!
Sit back and enjoy. Because no matter what, we’ll be 3 steps, 5 steps, 7 steps
ahead of you. And just when you think you’re catching up, that’s when we’ll
be right behind you.
Shravan Shenoy (Co-Chair)
Omkar RD (Co-Chair)
Nirnajan V Honnungar (Rapporteur)